Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Blair summer camp July 4, 2008

We spent the weekend with the Bergon's up the canyon at timpakanugee camp ground. It's up Spanish Fork canyon, about 9,000 feet. Talk about a beautiful area. Its known for its Bear population and scenery. This camp site was so remote it felt as if we were all alone. I guess it was quite a feat to reserve. The bergons were up the canyon about every other day trying to get this spot reserved, becouse it was first come, first serve. I was totally taken back by its seclusion and beauty. It was so surrene and peaceful.


Anonymous said...

looks great, good job on the post...

RiCe _FaMiLy said...

I love those pics you used! It looks great! Brittany and I finally found Five Crowns! We have been dying to play it since we were up there. Thanks again for teaching us.

Cathi said...

Oh my gosh! That place is so incredibly beautiful! I love the stream running right through the campsite. So lovely. You guys look so good. I miss you.

Jolene said...

Hey Lisa - its Jolene - I just found you on here. I'm pretty much freaked out at how old your kids are. Trent will always be the little neighbor riding his big wheel bike around with Cody. Its so nice to see whats going on with your family! Cute grandkids by the way :)

Amelia said...

The Blairs have a blog! I got yours off of Jolene's. (the girl, not the pig) :) Yay! I am so proud of you! I have been trying to get my parents to do this for a long time now! It is so good to "see" you guys again, even if it is in cyberspace!

Heather said...

Hey, you're one to talk July 9th was your last post! Let's get updating. Where are your cute Halloween decorations?